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您的足迹: h-entry




h-entry 是一个简单的开放格式, 用作WEB上的松散片段或者有日期戳的内容。h-entry经常用作打算联合发表的内容。例如blog贴子。h-entry是几个开放的 microformat标准之一用来内嵌数据在HTML中。

h-entry 是hAtom各式的microformats2升级版。 特别是“hentry” 根类本身就是基于 Atom的 “entry” 元素。对于“hfeed”的更新参见 h-feed.


这是一个 活规范,但已经足够成熟,鼓励更多的实现和 反馈。 该规范有部分是稳定的、草案和建议。 除非有明确的标为草案或提议,其它功能是稳定的。草案和提议的功能可能发生实质性的改变。不期望对稳定的功能特征进行改变,但作为一个活规范,可以根据实施经验 对问题和勘误进行实质性更改,这需要参与实施人员达到共识,作为明确的更改控制 过程的一部分。



Tantek Çelik 中文翻译 Eureka Chen


cc0 owfat



<article class="h-entry">
  <h1 class="p-name">Microformats are amazing======
  <p>Published by <a class="p-author h-card" href="">W. Developer</a>
     on <time class="dt-published" datetime="2013-06-13 12:00:00">13<sup>th</sup> June 2013</time></p>
  <p class="p-summary">In which I extoll the virtues of using microformats.</p>
  <div class="e-content">
    <p>Blah blah blah</p>

解析为 JSON:

  "items": [[
      "type": [[
      "properties": {
        "name": [[
          "Microformats are amazing"
        "author": [[
            "value": "W. Developer",
            "type": [[
            "properties": {
              "name": [[
                "W. Developer"
              "url": [[
        "published": [[
          "2013-06-13 12:00:00"
        "summary": [[
          "In which I extoll the virtues of using microformats."
        "content": [[
            "value": "Blah blah blah",
            "html": "<p>Blah blah blah</p>"


h-entry 是下 根类名 表示存在一个 h-entry.

p-name, p-author, dt-published 和其它的列在 h-entry 下面的 h-entry 属性类名在下面进行定义。

Note: The purpose of an entry is to place it around both the explicitly written content (in the content property or in other specific properties for non-textual content or responses) and whatever else is the context for that content, including properties for when it was published and/or updated, who created it, tags or categorization, and links to what the content is a response to (perhaps with a quoted excerpt) and/or links to syndicated copies.


h-entry properties, inside an element with class h-entry. All properties are optional.

Core Properties

The following core h-entry properties have broad consensus and are broadly interoperably published and consumed:

  • <code>p-name</code> - entry name/title
  • <code>p-summary</code> - short entry summary
  • <code>e-content</code> - full content of the entry
  • <code>dt-published</code> - when the entry was published
  • <code>dt-updated</code> - when the entry was updated
  • <code>p-author</code> - who wrote the entry, optionally embedded h-card(s)
  • <code>p-category</code> - entry categories/tags
  • <code>u-url</code> - entry permalink URL
  • <code>u-uid</code> - universally unique identifier, typically canonical entry URL
  • <code>p-location</code> - location the entry was posted from, optionally embed h-card, h-adr, or h-geo
  • <code>u-syndication</code> - URL(s) of syndicated copies of this post. The property equivalent of rel-syndication (example)
  • <code>u-in-reply-to</code> - the URL which the h-entry is considered reply to (i.e. doesn’t make sense without context, could show up in comment thread), optionally an embedded h-cite (reply-context) (example)
  • <code id=“p-rsvp”>p-rsvp</code> (enum, use &lt;data> element or value-class-pattern)
    • “yes”, “no”, “maybe”, “interested”. Case-insensitive values, normalized to lowercase. Examples:
    • <nowiki>... <data class="p-rsvp" value="yes">is going</data> to ...</nowiki>

      , or

    • <nowiki>... <data class="p-rsvp" value="maybe">might go</data> to ...</nowiki>
    • <nowiki>... <data class="p-rsvp" value="no">unable to go</data> to ...</nowiki>
    • <nowiki>... <data class="p-rsvp" value="interested">am interested/tracking/watching</data>  ...</nowiki>
  • <code id=“u-like-of”>u-like-of</code> - the URL which the h-entry is considered a “like” (favorite, star) of. Optionally an embedded h-cite
  • <code id=“u-repost-of”>u-repost-of</code> - the URL which the h-entry is considered a “repost” of. Optionally an embedded h-cite.

Draft Properties

The following draft properties are in use in the wild (published and consumed), and are under strong consideration, but are not yet part of the core:

  • <code id=“p-comment”>p-comment</code> - optionally embedded (or nested?) h-cite(s), each of which is a comment on/reply to the parent h-entry. See comment-brainstorming (example)
  • <code id=“u-photo”>u-photo</code> - one or more photos that is/are considered the primary content of the entry, unless there is a
    p-location h-card

    , which is still considered a “checkin” (i.e. with a photo). Otherwise the presence of a u-photo means the name of the entry should be interpreted as a caption on the photo, and the summary/content should be interpreted as a description of the photo.

  • <code id=“u-video”>u-video</code> - special u- parsing rules for
    &lt;video src> & &lt;source src>

Proposed Additions

The following properties are proposed additions based on various use-cases, such as existing link preview markup conventions, but are awaiting citations of use across multiple sites in the wild, and at least one reader / real world consuming code example:

  • <code>u-audio</code> - special u- parsing rules for
    &lt;audio src> & &lt;source src>

    . Examples: Transportini,possibly more

  • <code>u-like</code> - similar to p-comment, URL to a like post of the current post, e.g. in a responses list or facepile.
  • <code>u-repost</code> - similar to u-like, URL to a repost of the current post, e.g. in a responses list or facepile.
  • <code>u-bookmark-of</code> - indicates this h-entry is a bookmark of another URL. the value can be a URL or an h-cite. See for examples in the wild.
  • <code>u-featured</code> - a representative photo or image for the entry, e.g. primary photo for an article or subject-cropped photo, suitable for use in a link-preview.
  • <code>p-latitude</code> - latitude of the location of the entry
  • <code>p-longitude</code> - longitude of the location of the entry

The following interpretation is also proposed addition:

  • if the

    is also an embedded h-card, the entry is treated as a “checkin”.

    • -1 Aaronpk 14:22, 19 January 2017 (UTC) this post is not a checkin, but has an h-card as the p-location property.

Note: As h-entry usage grows to express and consume different kinds of content, we expect additional properties may be proposed and iterated as demonstrated by real-world needs, usage, and interoperability.

Property Details

This section is a stub.


<code>p-location</code> has been re-used from h-event.


p-name of a note

  • What is the <code>p-name</code> of a note?
    • A few options, from simplest to most detailed.
      • same as the p-content/e-content property.
      • same as the <code>title</code> element on the note permalink post page. When publishing a note on its own permalink post page, the contents of the note are likely abbreviated for the title of the page. The same abbreviation can be used for the p-name.
      • first sentence of the p-content/e-content property. It may be better for syndication and link-preview purposes to provide just the first sentence of the note as the

        . Similarly if only a portion of the content is syndicated to other sites, that portion can be marked up as the



venue an entry was posted from

  • How do you indicate a named venue where an entry was posted from? Like a restaurant or park.
    • Use an embedded h-card microformat on a

      property value.

address an entry was posted from

  • How do you indicate the address where an entry was posted from? Like a restaurant or park.
    • If the address is just part of a named venue, see above, use an h-card
    • Otherwise use an embedded h-adr microformat on a

      property value.

lat long an entry was posted from

  • How do you indicate the latitude and longitude of where an entry was posted from?
    • If the location has a name in addition to latitude and longitude, see above, use an h-card
    • Otherwise if there is an address in addition to latitude and longitude, see above, use an h-adr
    • Otherwise use an embedded h-geo microformat on a

      property value.

dt-published property and HTML5 time element

  • Does the dt-published property need to be a time element?
    • The

      property should be a


      element so that you can take advantage of HTML5's “datetime” property.

    • This lets you specify a human-readable date in the value of the attribute, and the ISO8601 machine-readable date in the “datetime” property.

what is the bare minimum list of required properties on an h-entry

  • What is the bare minimum list of required properties on an h-entry?
    • No properties are explicitly required, but in practice a h-entry should have the following properties at a minimum for consumers:
  • name

    (can be implied)

  • url

    (can be implied)

  • published

    — if there is no “published” date for the “entry”, then reconsider whether it is correct (or worth) marking it up as an entry.

  • What properties should an h-entry have in addition to the bare minimum?
    • Beyond the bare minimum, a typical h-entry should have the following as well:
  • content



    at least) - especially for structured content. For a plain text note, the content/summary (whichever is used) should be the same as the


    , otherwise it will be implied from the text content of the root element.

  • name

    - for explicitly named/titled entries. Otherwise the entry is assumed to be a “title-less” note (like a tweet).

  • author

    - including a nested


    with author details like name, photo, url.

Examples in the wild

Real world in the wild examples of sites and services that publish or consume h-entry:

  • … add uses of h-entry you see in the wild here.
  • mark up their blog listing and permalink pages with h-entry
  • David John Mead marks up his profile, blog posts and comments with h-card, h-entry and h-cite on
  • Brian Suda marks up his blog posts up with h-entry and h-card on
  • Ashton McAllen marks up his blog posts, reposts, comments and likes with h-entry, h-card and h-cite on
  • Emma Kuo marks up her blog posts and notes with h-entry and h-card on
  • Scott Jenson marks up his blog posts with h-entry and h-card on
  • Emily McAllen marks up her blog posts with h-entry and h-card on
  • Ryan Barrett marks up his blog posts, notes, replies and likes with h-entry and h-card on
  • Barry Frost marks up his notes with h-entry, h-card and h-cite on
  • Amber Case marks up her profile, blog posts, replies and notes with h-entry and h-card on
  • Johannes Ernst marks up his blog posts with h-entry on
  • Michiel de Jong marks up his profile and notes with h-entry and h-card on
  • Mike Taylor marks up his profile and blog posts with h-card and h-entry on
  • Erin Jo Ritchey marks up her profile, posts and comments using h-card, h-entry and h-cite with idno on
  • Jeena Paradies marks up his profile, blog posts, notes and comments using h-card, h-entry and h-cite on
  • Andy Sylvester marks up his profile, blog posts and comments using h-card and h-entry on (note: as of 2014-03-13 using h-entry for comments instead of correct h-cite –bw 14:44, 13 March 2014 (UTC))
  • Chloe Weil marks up her blog posts with h-entry on
  • Christophe Ducamp marks up his blog posts and profile with h-entry and h-card on
  • Glenn Jones marks up his blog posts, notes, replies, profile and comments with h-entry, h-card and h-cite on
  • Marcus Povey marks up his blog posts and profile with h-entry and h-card on
  • Matthias Pfefferle marks up his blog posts, comments and profile with h-card, h-cite and h-entry on
  • Kyle Mahan marks up his profile and notes with h-card and h-entry on
  • Okinawan-lyrics marks up his posts with h-entry and h-card (example)
  • marks up profile pages and permalink pages with h-entry as of 2013-08-06 (example)
  • The Twitter archive browser UI uses h-entry and h-card internally, unfortunately it’s not exposed as HTML in static files anywhere
  • Brett Comnes marks up his posts with h-entry and h-card (example)
  • Ben Werdmuller marks up his posts with h-card and h-entry, u-in-reply-to and u-like (example)
  • Sandeep Shetty marks his posts up with h-card and h-entry, as well as draft u-in-reply-to and experimental u-like properties (example)
  • Laurent Eschenauer marks up his posts with h-entry (example)
  • Tom Morris marks up his posts using h-entry (example)
  • Numerous newer W3C specs, e.g.
  • SemPress is a WordPress theme that supports h-card, h-feed/h-entry.
  • The Pastry Box Project use h-card and h-entry markup on their homepage and individual thoughts pages
  • Aaron Parecki uses h-entry to mark up notes, e.g. 2012/230/reply/1.
  • Tantek Çelik uses h-entry on his home page, as well as h-entry on all post permalinks, e.g. 2012-243 post, with rel-prev/rel-next (if applicable) to indicate prev/next posts
  • Barnaby Walters uses h-entry on all notes and articles, as well as nested within notes as reply contexts example and comments example.


  • spreadly marks up share permalink pages with h-entry, as well as minimal h-cards and experimental p-like properties




Software implementations that publish or consume h-entry, including themes, plugins, or extensions:

(This section is a stub that needs expansion! In practice, nearly every CMS on every indie web site supports publishing h-entry by default.)

When adding an implementation, please provide and link to its home page and open source repo if any.

Backward Compatibility

Publisher Compatibility

For backward compatibility with legacy hAtom consuming implementations, use hAtom classnames (or rel values) in addition to the more future-proof h-entry properties, for example:

<source lang=html4strict>

<h1 class="p-name entry-title">My great blog post======


The list of equivalent hAtom classnames and rel values is provided below.

Parser Compatibility

Microformats parsers should detect classic properties only if a classic root class name is found and parse them as microformats2 properties.

If an “h-entry” is found, don't look for an “hentry” on the same element.

Compat root class name:


<br/> Properties: (parsed as p- plain text unless otherwise specified):

  • entry-title

    - parse as <code>p-name</code>

  • entry-summary

    - parse as <code>p-summary</code>

  • entry-content

    - parse as <code>e-content</code>

  • published

    - parse as dt-

  • updated

    - parse as dt-

  • author

    - including compat root


    in the absence of

  • category
  • rel=bookmark

    - parse as <code>u-url</code>. While not a class name nor typical microformats property, rel=bookmark was the only way to indicate an hentry permalink. Thus parsers should look for rel=bookmark hyperlinks inside an hentry, and take their “href” value as a value for a <code>u-url</code> property, including handling any relative URL resolution.

  • rel=tag

    - parse as <code>p-category</code>. While not a class name nor typical microformats property, rel=tag was the typical way to tag an hentry. Thus parsers should look for rel=tag hyperlinks inside an hentry, and take the last path segment of their “href” value as a value for a <code>p-category</code> property.

Proposed: (follow-up in issue #7)

  • time.entry-date[[datetime]]

    - in the absence of


    , parse as <code>dt-published</code>. parse for the first


    element with class name of


    and non-empty


    attribute inside an hentry, if there is no


    property, use that time element's


    attribute value for the


    property. Evidence: default WordPress themes 2011-2014(

  • rel=author

    - in the absence of


    , parse as <code>u-author</code>. While not a class name nor typical microformats property, rel=author was commonly used to link to an author's URL. Thus parsers should look for rel=author hyperlinks inside an hentry (or even on the same page, preceding the hentry), use the absolute version of it as a value for the <code>u-author</code> property if there is no “author” property. (citations to “hentry” examples in the wild that <em>depend</em> on rel=author needed to accepted this proposal. Note: default WordPress themes twentyeleven, twentytwelve, twentythirteen, twentyfourteen all use rel=author but only inside class=“author vcard”, and thus rel=author can be ignored since authorship is already picked up by existing


    backcompat parsing.)

Compat FAQ

What about rel bookmark

Also asked as: Why use an h-entry u-url u-uid for permalinks when I have rel=bookmark?

A: tl;dr: use

class="u-url u-uid"

instead of


for post permalinks because it's simpler (fewer attributes), and works better across contexts (permalink page, recent posts on home page, collection of posts on archive pages).

rel=bookmark was the old hAtom way of marking up permalinks. Since then two factors have contributed to reducing use of rel inside microformats:

  • rel by typically* document scoped in HTML5 - thus making it inappropriate for use in microformats that are aggregated, e.g. a collection of posts on a home page or in monthly archives.
  • it is easier to always use class names for properties. When formats use two (or more!) attributes in HTML to specify properties, confusion results in lower data quality (of the markup and thus the stuff that is marked up). Thus per the microformats principle of simplicity, in microformats2 we only use class names for properties.

* even though rel=bookmark in particular is article-element / sectioning scoped in HTML5, it's a detail that typical authors are not going to remember, and thus it's not good to depend on it for any kind of format.

Why rename entry-title entry-summary entry-content



classnames in classic hAtom were prefixed as such due to concerns about vocabulary overlap with the title (as in job title, completely separate semantic) property in hCard and the summary property in hCalendar (see: hAtom FAQ).

Following the simplicity principle, in microformats2, the aforementioned vagueness of title is dealt with by removing it. As name is now used consistently across all vocabularies as the property which “names” the microformat, it makes sense to use it to mark up the name of a post.

Likewise, adding entry- to summary doesn’t add any useful information, and in practice there have been no problems with blog post summaries overlapping with entry summaries, so it makes sense to simplify to summary. The same applies to entry-content simplified to content.

See also: 2012-08-30 IRC conversation.

Work that re-uses or builds upon h-entry:


This work is based on the existing hAtom microformat, and extensive selfdogfooding in the indie web camp community.

change control

Minor editorial changes (e.g. fixing minor typos or punctuation) that do not change and preferably clarify the structure and existing intended meaning may be done by anyone without filing issues, requiring only a sufficient “Summary” description field entry for the edit. More than minor but still purely editorial changes may be made by an editor. Anyone may question such editorial changes by undoing corresponding edits without filing an issue. Any further reversion or iteration on such an editorial change must be done by filing an issue.

For the stable features of this document, substantive issue filing, resolution, and edits may be done by filing an issue and discussing them on the issue and on #microformats IRC with a link to the issue.

Because this is primarily a vocabulary specification, very few issues beyond the list of vocabulary have filed or required any lengthy discussion. If such a non-trivial issue arises in the future, use the microformats2-parsing change control process to resolve them.

In general, non-vocabulary related features or requirements should be avoided in this specification, e.g. changes to microformats2 syntax must be proposed as microformats2-parsing changes using the microformats2-parsing change control process.

Beyond that, the following requirements must be met for adding or moving features (e.g. properties and values) to proposed, draft, or stable:


Proposed features must provide documentation of what specific real world use-cases they are solving, preferably with a link to a step-by-step user scenario, e.g. demonstratable using existing non-standard / single-site / single-implementation tools.


Draft properties must in addition be published and consumed in the wild on the public web, demonstrate solving the use case for which they were proposed, and should provide citations of real world public web sites publishing and (other sites) consuming them, interoperably.


Stable features (e.g. Core Properties) must in addition be published and consumed in the wild on multiple sites by multiple implementations (3+ different sites and implementations for publishing and consuming). When a draft property reaches a critical mass of deployment by numerous sites and implementations (far beyond 3+), due to network effects and backward compatibility considerations it effectively becomes stable, since it becomes increasingly difficult to change it in any way and have so many sites and implementations also change.

For creating an entirely new vocabulary, and more details about how to research existing values, properties, document examples in the wild, etc., see the microformats process.

See Also